Headshot of Max Fan

Max Fan


I am an incoming CS PhD student at Cornell University funded by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Previously, I was a junior at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) where I graduated early with a major in Computer Science + Philosophy.

You can contact me at the following email address: myf5 {at} cornell {dot} edu.


My interests include the following (in order of most recent/level of interest):

Recent News


Aug. 2024

I was invited to the Hausdorff Research Institute of Mathematics's program on the "Prospects of formal mathematics" (I will be in Bonn, Germany from August 4th-16th).

June 2024

I am an intern at Pi Squared, working on logic, proofs, and other related things towards making verifiable computing a reality.


June 2024

I was at OPLSS 2024 (at BU) in Boston from June 3rd-13th.

April 2024

I was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP).

March 2024

Our preprint, "Proof Repair across Quotient Type Equivalences" is now updated on the arXiv (old version).

July 2023

I was awarded the James Scholar Preble Research Scholarship, given by the University of Illinois to outstanding honors students involved in research.

June 2023

I was a research intern at NASA Ames for the summer, in the Robust Software Engineering group under the mentorship of Dr. Ivan Perez.

April 2023

I was awarded the Goldwater scholarship, a merit-based national scholarship established by Congress for research contributions and potential in STEM. School news article.

June 2022

I was a software engineering intern at Fidelity Investment’s Center for Applied Technology for the summer.


Food. A personal project of mine is to craft food from first principles. I've been making butter from scratch, with the aspirational goal of beating the artisanal butter found in quality stores. I started a primitive bartering system where my friends and I trade homemade goods that we specialize in (artisanal butter, chocolate chip cookies, pork carnitas, sourdough bread, etc.). Moooo 🐄.

Ham radio. I have a general class amateur radio license from the FCC (callsign: KC1LTV). I use my license infrequently.

Books. I'm currently reading Crime and Punishment and re-reading Dune (although I feel that the quality for Dune drops off in the later books). Book suggestions are welcome (I like most genres). Lately I've been interested in speculative fiction, mostly alternative history.

Last updated on 2024-06-16.

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